Liberal Arts Associate’s Degree Program

Young African woman in whitecoat holding one of green seedlings while studying its biological characteristics

There are several liberal art colleges in Florida that range from small, private colleges to large, nationally recognized universities. Polk State College is proud to offer a competitive Associate in Arts degree program in Liberal Arts that is fully transferable to a bachelor’s degree program within Florida’s State University System.

Liberal Arts Education Paths

The prerequisites to enter specific majors within the State University System or Florida College System vary widely. Students are encouraged to decide on an upper-division major when they enroll at Polk State and follow the education path for that major, putting their lower-division classes to work for their future educational pursuits.

Liberal Arts Associate’s Degree Concentrations

Polk State offers several degree program concentrations, including:

Agriculture Science
Animal Science
Athletic Training
Biological Science
Biology Teacher Education
Business Administration
Chemistry Teacher Education
Civil Engineering Technology
Community Health
Computer Information Systems
Computer Science
Construction Engineering Tech
Dietetics/Nutritional Services
Economics — Social Sciences
Electronic Engineering Tech
Elementary Education
English Teacher Education
Environmental Science
Exercise Science/Wellness
Foreign Languages
Foreign Languages Teacher Education
Forensic Science
Health Information Management
Health Sciences
Human Resources Development
Mass Communications
Mathematics and Statistics
Mathematics Teacher Education
Medical Technology
Music Teacher Education
Nursing (transfer to university)
Philosophy and Religion
Physics Teacher Education
Political Science and Government
Public Administration
Social Studies Teacher Education
Social Work
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation